Saturday 28 December 2013


So, I've decided to write a diary in the most up to date way I can think of, in the form of a blog.

If you hadn't noticed, this diary is going to be a little bit different to ones I've written before. It will chart my transgender journey or as I like to call it, the misadventures of my female "alter-ego", Lucy.

Today, I finally decided to embrace my female side, start down the long path with one small step if you see what I mean? I registered at my local GP in Brighton (Ok, I know its more like one tiny incy wincy little baby step but hey!). It might not sound like much, and it is something I've been meaning to do since I started University here, three years ago, but when you think about it, I have to go for a registration meeting with them, and I can voice my concerns to the GP then. Here in the UK at least that kicks off a chain reaction involving lots of doctors and needles and psychiatrists couches etc etc etc.

On a side note I still have to find a way to tell my parents and my flatmate about my condition. I have no idea as to how any of them will react and for the first time in my life I think I'm truly frightened about doing something, that would also explain why I've been putting it off so long, considering this isn't a new thing for me.

That's it for today, I'm going to leave you with a picture of me as Lucy, all I ask is that if you do happen to know me in real life, don't tell anyone or start treating me differently. I don't feel I'm ready for public consumption just yet but hopefully this public form of diary making might remedy that.

Chow Chow All!

P.S. If you are reading this and your one of the lucky few (Oh happy few! We band of ruthless bastards!) I've told then feel free to chat about it to me all you want :)

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